Wireless Security

Wireless networks are vital for businesses working in a connected society whose flexibility makes an asset to any business.

However, it helps in extending the perimeters of the organization that increases the attack surface, as well as potentially providing access in public spaces where attempted entry may not be as conspicuous.


Wireless networks also provide many wider ranges of devices which have the ability to connect to the network. Each new device offers another access point for attackers. With the increase of mobile working and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), this trend is in pretty much use.

The risk-based approach to testing considers the specific application of wireless solution which mainly focuses on testing that makes recommendations on areas of risk.

Basically, the testers combine publicly available equipment, tools and utilities it in order to identify the wireless access points within the organization for testing and analyzing security weaknesses. The service includes:

  • Site sweep for rogue wireless devices
  • Regular sweep and test (as required by PCI DSS)
  • Wireless network configuration review and advice
  • Review and lockdown advice for wireless capable devices
  • Wireless access point penetration testing


The comprehensive testing provides security to the expertise so its clear reports, vulnerabilities discovered can be understood in the context of the impact on the business.

  • Confidence in the safest parts of your network
  • Insight of areas to focus on for ongoing improvement, with advice on how to approach remediation from our experts
  • Recommendations for fixes and mitigation of vulnerabilities
  • Cost-effective, high-value improvements for strong return on security spend
  • Knowledge of the existence and localization of any rogue access points
  • Advice on configuration and lockdown of wireless networks and devices
  • Testing for vulnerabilities with an indication of their relative severity
  • Identification of areas that would benefit from more in-depth analysis